Monday, February 14, 2011

A-Element Counts 2011 (correct collegiate version)


Begin underwater in a Back Pike Position with the legs perpendicular to the surface. A Thrust is executed to a Vertical Position, maintaining maximum height a Twirl is executed as one leg is lowered to a Right Bent Knee Vertical Position. A Vertical Descent is executed as the bent knee is extended to meet the vertical leg at the ankles, submerge with the same tempo as the Thrust. The Twirl must be executed toward the left shoulder (left shoulder back).

Judging Factors not otherwise described in the USSS Rulebook: Judging begins as the toes break the surface (count 8). The Thrust from the Back Pike Position to the Vertical Position should be a direct 1-count move, i.e. minimal “rocking over face” is desirable in the thrust action. The Thrust, Twirl and Vertical Descent are rapid.

Element Counts – Thrust to Bent Knee:

8, Toes touch the surface (competitor assumes underwater position just prior to this count)

1, Thrust to Vertical Position

2, Twirl at height to Right Bent Knee Vertical Position

3, and Descend to ankles

4 Under.

B. NOVA, 1080° SPIN, SPIN UP 180°: DD – 2.9.

Surface with a side stroke kick (flat, on left side with back to the judges, with breath), then backstroke with right arm to Back Layout Position. Initiate the dolphin beginning through the Right Bent Knee Surface Arch Position as per the Nova description. While the hips remain stationary, the legs are simultaneously lifted to a Vertical Position as the right bent knee is extended. A Continuous Spin of 1080° (3 rotations) is executed until the heels reach the surface, without submergence, followed by a rapid Spin Up 180°. A Vertical Descent is executed at the same tempo as the Spin Up 180°. The continuous spin has three (3) 360° rotations and is performed with counts and water levels as described below.

Judging Factors not otherwise described in the USSS Rulebook: Judging begins in the Back Layout Position. There is a pause in the Right Bent Knee Surface Arch Position and in the Vertical Position prior to the Continuous Spin. The bent knee should slide evenly to vertical position.

The Vertical Position at the beginning of the Continuous Spin and the Vertical Position at the end of the Spin Up should be at maximum height, stationary, still and extended. In addition look for the athlete’s ability to maintain counts and designated water lines on the spin. These are listed in order of importance (i.e. the athlete who performs this element high, stationary, and with clarity of Bent Knee Surface Arch Position and Vertical Positions, while maintaining counts and all water levels, should be given the highest score).

Element Counts - Nova, 1080° Spin, Spin Up 180°:

1, 2 Competitor surfaces with a side stroke kick (flat, on left side with back to judges, with breath)

3, Backstroke

4, Back layout

5,6 Dolphin down

7,8 Nova to the completion of the Right Bent Knee Surface Arch Position

1, Hold Right Bent Knee Surface Arch Position

2,3,4 Legs simultaneously lift to Vertical Position as the right bent knee is extended

5,6 Hold Vertical

7,8,1,2,3,4 Continuous Spin of 1080° (1 count per half)

5,6 Hold at heels

7,8 Rapid Spin Up 180° to height

1,2,and Descent

Counts and height level for spins:

7,8 1st spin -- height to above the knee

1,2 2nd spin -- above the knee to mid-shin

3,4 3rd spin -- mid-shin to heels

5,6 Hold vertical at heels

7, Begin Spin Up -- heels to above the knees

8, Finish Spin Up -- above the knees to hips

1,2 Descent

and Under


Entry to pike position should be performed with a quarter turn (without coming up for air) with a small breast stroke pull, and kick, to achieve the Surface Front Pike Position with the hips, legs, and feet at the surface. A porpoise lift is executed to a Vertical Position. A Full Twist is executed, then the legs are lowered symmetrically to a Right Split Position. A Walkout Front is executed, with the hips remaining stationary as the front leg moves in an arc over the surface to meet the other leg in a Surface Arch Position. An Arch up is executed to a Back Layout Position. A back tuck somersault is used to exit (this is not judged). The Full Twist must be executed toward the left shoulder (left shoulder back).

Judging Factors not otherwise described in the USSS Rulebook: Judging begins with the Surface Front Pike Position. Look for accurate body position during the porpoise lift. Maximum height should be maintained during the Full Twist. Legs should open symmetrically and simultaneously during the leg lowering to the Right Split Position. As the legs pause in the Right Split Position look for “Gold” Standard. There is a pause in the Surface Arch Position on the completion of the walkout. All positions should be fully extended. Judging is completed in the Back Layout Position.

Element Counts – Porpoise, Full Twist, Split Walkout:

5,6 Pull forward (no breath)

7, Assume Surface Front Pike Position

8, Hold Front Pike Position

1,2 Porpoise Lift to Vertical Position

3,4 Hold Vertical Position

5,6,7,8,1,2 Full Twist (by thirds, hit halfway on count 7)

3,4 Hold Vertical Position

5,6,7 Lower legs to Right Split Position

8,1,2 Hold Right Split Position

3,4,5,6 Walkout (should be Knight position on 4, surface arch on 6)

7,8 Hold Surface Arch Position

1,2,3 Arch up to Back Layout (face surfaces on 3)

4,5 Back Layout and torpedo

6 Back tuck somersault and exit panel (not judged).


Begin underwater in the Back Pike Position. A Thrust is executed to a Vertical Position, maintaining maximum height the legs are split rapidly to assume an Airborne Split Position. Maintaining maximum height the legs are lifted to a Vertical Position as a Twirl is executed with a rapid Vertical Descent. The Airborne Split Position is executed with the right leg split forward and the left leg split back. The Twirl turns towards the left shoulder (left shoulder back).

Judging Factors not otherwise described in the USSS Rulebook: Judging begins as the toes break the surface (count 8). The Thrust, Airborne Split Position, join to Vertical Position, Twirl and sink are all rapid, separate movements with three clear, fully extended positions - Vertical, Split, Vertical. Maximum Height is desired at the completion of the Thrust in the Vertical Position, the Airborne Split Position and the rejoin to Vertical Position during the Twirl.

Element Counts - Rocket Split, Twirl:

8, Toes touch the surface (competitor assumes underwater position just prior to this count)

1, and Thrust to Vertical Position “and” Split at maximum height

2, Join legs to Vertical Position as the Twirl is executed at maximum height

3, 4 Descend.