Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Convention Minutes: September 16, 2010


Rebecca Story (Wheaton), Kirsten Wendth (Wheaton), Christiana Butera (Wheaton), Hanna Sphatt (Rocky Mtn.), Aubrey Wall (Rocky Mtn.), Erika Guilbault (Rocky Mtn.), Kimmy Lurenz (Menomonee Falls), Kelsey Smith (UIW), Liana Litsky (OSU), Nancy Wightman (unattached), Missy Knight (Stanford), Pete McGeoch (scoring), Duke Zielinski (North CDL), Barb M. (W&M), Madeleine Terry (Oregon OASS), Toby Smith (Comp. Ops), Jill Ranucci (U of Arizona), Kevin Warner (National Staff), Barb Nesbitt (OSU)

Introduction and Welcomes

Rebecca Story (Collegiate Chair) circulated a list of Coach emails and meet dates. Email for the most up to date meet schedule and coaches email list for the 2010-2011 Collegiate Season.

Nancy Wightman – Thanked the committee for her award and ring.

Rules Passed (emergency legislation) – please ask for wording

a. Collegiate Championships - Rules Amendments

1. CO 3.1.1 Technical Competition

2. CO 4.4 Entry Rules

3. CO 5.1.1 Technical Awards (award places 1-12)

4. CO 5.2.1 Individual High Point Trophy

5. CO 2.1.1 Definition of National Team Competitor

6. CO2.2.6 (page 43) Accurate placement of athletes in Technical Categories.

Technical Categories

Rebecca - Based on scores earned this past season we will have very few swimmers moving up into another category – Do we want to review them again?

Ideas: Do we need 4 groups? (maybe A-C and a Novice group)

Jill R. – I think the categories are fine the way they are and should be left alone

Group – agreed and will leave the figure categories as listed.

Collegiate Manual- Housekeeping – additions as amended

Years of eligibility-Varsity. Please see the current NCAA Division I Handbook for rules of eligibility on page 135.

A student-athlete shall not engage in more than four seasons of intercollegiate competition.

Years of eligibility–Club. A student-athlete shall not engage in more than six seasons of intercollegiate competition.

Amateur Status (page 13)

Playing Season (page 14)

Playing Season for US Nationals (page 14)

Declaration of Playing Season (page 14)

Countable athletically related activities (page 14)

Student – Athlete Statement: Note: International student-athletes competing in the B, C, or D technical categories are required to submit a letter…

Reminder – Every athlete must sign and return the Student-athlete Statement to the USA Synchro Education Director prior to your first competition.

Redistribution of Regions

Rebecca - Possibly have state qualifications instead/ 4regions versus 8.

Pros –

  • Less travel for teams which means saving time and money
  • Teams will have the opportunity to win a State Champs title
  • The possibility of having more teams qualify for Nationals which would mean more earnings to run a Collegiate National meet.

The group liked the idea of researching other collegiate structures and requested a sub-committee be formed to do this.

Committee Formed:

Jill R., Barb M., Jen Mitchell, Barb N., and Rebecca.

Wearing team uniforms and caps during competitions

- The group decided to create a survey for distribution to the collegiate group to take prior to collegiate nationals.

- Results will be listed on the meeting agenda and will be open for discussion at collegiate Nationals.

- Note: This rule change would not take effect until the conclusion of the 2011 Collegiate National event.

Volunteers to create survey:

Christiana Butera, Kirsten Wendth, Rebecca

2012 Collegiate Nationals

Will be held March 15-19, 2012 in Gainesville, FL

Discussion: if the date needs to be moved the collegiate group would prefer the dates be moved back instead of forward.

USA Collegiate Programs Strategic Plan

- Went over Mission, Vision, and Values

- Broke into 3 groups and discussed the assigned group initiative

1. Would you like to add a new strategy to the given initiative?

Meeting concluded.

Minutes submitted by Aubrey Wall, secretary.

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